You can become a lean, mean driving machine right from your truck. That’s right. Did you know you can use your truck as a piece of workout equipment? The Iron Trucker, a free downloadable app, includes a library of truck driver exercises you can do with just your tractor-trailer. Try out Iron DOT Crunches for starters and we know you’ll be hooked when you see how quick and easy it can be to workout.  

The app even includes an exercise log and food journal to help you stay on track with your goals. It’s all you need to jumpstart your journey. 

Ready to get movin’? Here are some of the easiest on-the-road workouts you can do during a break without the hassle of hunting down a gym:  

  • Toss some dumbbells in your truck to grab when you have a quick break. Start simple then add in bicep curls, triceps extensions, and overhead presses for a well-rounded upper body workout. Strength training builds muscle, reduces fat, and boosts cardio health while leaving you feeling energized and ready to take on the road.  
  • Planks are possibly one of the easiest exercises to add into your routine – while you’re waiting for your gas tank to fill, drop and hold a 2-minute plank. Do this every day and soon you’ll be ready to compete for the next world record plank time (it’s over 8 hours, by the way).  
  • Like planks, pushups are a total body exercise that requires nothing but your own body weight and a little bit of space – you can even do them inside your truck when it’s raining. Pushups strengthen every muscle in your body with the added benefit of improving your posture as you build core strength. 

Once you have knocked out your workout, don’t forget to stretch it out. When you incorporate daily stretching you get more than just a little flexibility. It’s one of the best ways to ensure you stay fit as a trucker – both physically and mentally.  

Perks of Squeezing in a Stretch: 

  • As a driver, we know you always have eyes on the road. Stretching, along with adequate water intake and healthy meals, will keep those nasty tension headaches away so you can keep your focus on the #1 goal – safety. 
  • Think of stretching like getting a regular tune up for your body. When you incorporate it into a daily routine, you decrease the likelihood of strain and injury and prep your body for a great workout the next day. It’s a win-win. 
  •  Coming up just a little shy of your daily step goal while out on long trips? It’s ok! Small changes add up to a big impact. Leg stretches are a great addition to your daily routine. Studies show that just a few leg stretches each day can help increase blood flow which can reduce the likelihood of strokes and vascular disease.    
  • Experienced back pain while on the road? Shake off some of that tension by taking a few minutes every day to get up and stretch. These quick daily stretches will have you feeling back to your best self in no time. 

Whether you’re on day 1 or training for your second triathlon, no step in the right direction is too small. So, call up your Squad, create your Iron Truckers team, and let’s get movin’ together.  





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