Truck drivers, more than anyone, need to find creative ways to stay physically and mentally healthy while on the road. Your time is valuable (literally, your time is money) and your schedule is tight, so finding time to take care of yourself isn’t always the top priority. We know it’s hard, so to help make it a little easier, we put together a list of time-tested health tips for truck drivers to cut down on stress and anxiety and shift your focus to health and well-being. 

 Health Tips for Truck Drivers: 

  1. Meal Prep: Unlocking the secret of how to eat healthily on the road comes down to knowing what works best for you and taking time to set yourself up for success. Don’t let the dreaded “hangry” feeling take over, nudging you to pull off on the next exit and fall victim to the quick fix of fast food. When you prep your meals ahead of time you have nutritious meals ready to go and you are in control of what and when you eat.

Meal Prep for Truckers Doesn’t Have to Be Hard 

Start Small: Start with just one meal and a few snacks a day to learn how meal prepping works best for you. Choose your favorite easy recipe so you are excited to make it and eat it. Prep it in bulk and divvy up portions. Once you get the hang of portion sizes and prep time, you can start to add in more meals and snacks.  

Make it Fun: Get your family involved in choosing meals and then enjoy cooking them together before you hit the road. Keep a log or recipe book of your family favs so you can add them to the weekly rotation. Sharing a meal, even if it’s a virtual one, will warm your heart. Already on the road? Keep a stock of spices and condiments like garlic, chili powder, mustard, salt and pepper to add a kick of flavor to a simple meal. 

Well-Portioned Meals: Restaurant portions are notoriously huge, so you feel you get the most “bang for your buck”. But if you aren’t also getting huge portions of vitamins and nutrients, is it better? Focus on meals that have the recommended daily amount of protein, vegetables, complex carbs, and heart-healthy fats. Cooking for the family? Portion 4-6 servings and invest in quality storage containers to take on the road with you.     

  1. Vitamins & Supplements: Vitamins are a great way to give your body an extra boost if you can’t get it all from your meals. There are so many vitamins and supplements out there and it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. Our advice? Look for a multivitamin that will cover all your bases in one easy capsule.

 Multivitamin Must-haves 

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential to preserve your eyesight, which is necessary for drivers. Vitamin A also promotes heart, lung, and kidney health and keeps your organs working properly together. 

Vitamin C: The immune booster. Get ahead of the dreaded cold or flu by keeping your body fueled with vitamin C which strengthens your body’s natural defenses.  

Vitamin D: Adding a vitamin D supplement will boost your mood and help fight off symptoms of depression. Vitamin D will also help you keep your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy and functioning.  

  1. Regular Workouts: Workouts don’t have to happen in a gym with fancy equipment and a personal trainer. Gradually incorporating movement every day no matter where you are will help you combat those symptoms and set you on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Truck Driver Workouts to Pump…You Up! 

Keep it Short: To start, find 15 minutes every day to add in a workout. Setting these shorter, more realistic goals will help you stay motivated and accountable. As you start to see the physical results and feel the mental benefits you can add longer breaks throughout the day as your routes allow. 

Choose High Intensity Interval (HIIT) Workouts: Aim for 75-80% max heart rate to maximize your 15 minutes and get right into the fat-burning zone. Try pushups, squats, burpees, mountain climbers, and crunches in rotating intervals to engage more muscle groups at one time. These exercises are also great because they rely only on your body weight, making them easy to kick start at a rest stop.  

Find Accountability: Find or form a group of drivers and who can join in a friendly competition. Host daily check-ins and send motivational messages to keep everyone excited about staying active and healthy. If you’re already on a Variant Squad, reach out to other members about adding a fitness regimen.  

Healthy habits don’t happen overnight. Incorporating a few small changes here and there will start to add up and it will become easier to maintain. At Variant, keeping you healthy on the road and getting you home safely is our priority. To start driving with us, fill out an application form so we can get in touch.  





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